Using Nielsen Norman Group’s 10 Usability Heuristics our team collectively redesigned Wentworth Music’s website. The current state of Wentworth Music’s website had a few major and a handful of minor heuristic violations, to name a few, visibility of system status, Esthetic and minimalist design, and Help and Documentation were the main violations. We organized and prioritized our evaluations and began redesigning.
With our evaluation and redesign, we were able to foster trust in our users, and improve the flow and usage of the site to make it easier to digest and user-friendly. This allowed us to create a more consistent brand styling throughout the site.
The goal of the project is to redesign a website aiming to improve the usability of the main task flow, signing up for a singing lesson. We evaluated the site’s usability issues using the Nielsen Norman Group’s 10 Usability Heuristics and redesigned based on these findings.
Before we began designing we felt it was important to get into the mind of our users in order to best serve their needs. to get a better understanding of our user base we created our proto persona Jacobi.
Jacobi is a 22 year old amateur singer living in Kelowna, BC. He is an aspiring recording artist ready and excited to round out his musical talents.
In our evaluation, we chose to focus on how Jacobi would navigate through the process of signing up for singing lessons. This task flow yielded the most issues Jacobi might encounter and if rectified would be the most fruitful in Wentworth Music’s implementation.
To identify our usability heuristics, we used the Norman Group’s Usability Heuristics which uses the 10 usability heuristics principles method to evaluate and identify usability problems in the user interface (UI) design. These heuristics are comprised of…
We then placed our heuristic evaluations into our prioritization matrix to help us organize and prioritize our design solutions by value and effort.
To ensure the changes felt like it belonged to Wentworth music’s brand we followed their existing brand guidelines for the redesign of the site.
Now that we have defined our design changes and have laid them out by priority. We can begin tackling the changes that are most impactful and then work through the rest, keeping our brand constraints in mind.
The following are the issues that we found along with our recommendations for rectifying them listed in order of their prioritization.
In order for us to be sure our modifications satisfy the users’ needs we would like to conduct usability tests. Inherently this would allow us to ensure our modifications successes or any oversight as well as inform us of any other high-priority adjustments.